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MEET THE HELPERS is a public media initiative designed to introduce children to community helpers and practice emergency preparedness.

Research has shown that introducing children to community helpers in a safe and fun environment can help them react better during times of crisis.

Explore the video series and learn how you can use it in your home, school or community.

Meet The Helpers

Meet The Helpers

Click here to learn about different community helpers and how they help every day!

Meet The Helpers- Crisis

Helpers In A Crisis Situation

Has a tragedy occurred in your community? Learn how helpers spring into action during an emergency.

Meet The Helpers - Toolkit

Community Toolkit

Interested in learning more about the project and how you can use it in your community? Click here!

Meet The Helpers - About the project


Learn more about WUCF, the PBS station behind Meet The Helpers and contact us with questions.

Meet the Helpers is supported by the following